What Not to Do After an Embryo Transfer
Embryo transfer is the final stage of the IVF procedure. Uterine fibroids, genetic impairments or fallopian tube damage are some of the reasons why an embryo transfer is recommended for conception. A follow up beta HCG test is scheduled 2 weeks after the transfer, to determine whether the embryo has implanted in the uterus. This depends on endometrial receptivity and little bit of luck.
Long Hours of Bed Rest
You are required to rest for 3-4 hours at the clinic, post transfer. However, make sure to resume household chores after heading back. There is no need for additional sleep or rest, since embryos do not get detached under any circumstances. This is because they are inserted deep inside the lining. Standing puts your uterus in a horizontal position, which is deemed good for implantation. Walking around or performing mild activities can in fact play a vital role in healthy birth.
Regular Sexual Intercourse
Doctors in Bangalore state that after ICSI, penetrative sex is not advisable. Orgasm requires excess blood flow to the pelvic muscles. This can also lead to uterine contractions, which is not favorable for embryo implantation. In fact, risk of infections is also high, which could interfere with the success rate. However, foreplay for 15-20 minutes each time is acceptable to reduce stress, if any, after an IVF cycle.
In the 2 weeks before pregnancy is confirmed, try your best to avoid heated pools, sauna baths and hot yoga. They can raise the uterine temperature to over 38.9°C. If the temperature remains this high for over 10 minutes, it could increase the chances of neural tube defect in the fetus. In case you experience back pain or muscle pulls that require heat pads, consult your doctor first.
ICSI fertility treatment, although extremely successful, can be stressful to some extent. This is particularly common in women with positive serum beta HCG concentration. It is important to resume a healthy mind and body connection, otherwise you might experience high blood pressure. Watching comedy shows, listening to fun podcasts or simply taking a walk in the fresh air can refresh your mind and help get rid of negative thoughts.
Consider eliminating all the hiking, cycling, Zumba, strength training, heavy gardening or weightlifting from your daily schedule. To understand whether you are going overboard with your activities, consider subtracting your age from 220. For example, if you are 35 and you minus the number from 220, you get 185, which should be your ideal heartbeat per minute. Accordingly, structure your exercise level to stay fit.
Additionally, consider taking folic acid supplements, try not to skip your medication and ensure a diet rich in protein, iron and Vitamin B12. While frozen embryos have a success rate of 18%, the pregnancy success rate with fresh embryos is 23%. Taking the right precautions can help improve your chances of pregnancy.